Have I ever mentioned my Snoogle before?? It's only the BEST pillow EVER invented! I convinced Gus that I needed one when I was pregnant with Nikos and sleeping became really uncomfortable. Well, the past few days, I've started to experience some minor back pain and oh-so-fun round ligament pain (in the lower part of my belly), so I figured it must be SNOOGLE TIME! And sure enough, I slept like a baby last night (pun intended) and woke up feeling great this morning. I swear, that pillow is a lifesaver! It's like sleeping in a little nest! Last time, I tried just using a combination of body pillows/regular pillows, but nothing even comes close. Best. Pillow. Ever.
In other news... Nikos refuses to walk if he has shoes on his feet. He stands rooted to the ground, and would rather fall over than try to take a step! (is it bad that I think this is hilarious?) I bought him some flexible-soled shoes (baby Nikes-- they are SO cute!), but I don't think they're quite flexible enough. My original plan was to buy him some soft all-leather shoes, but there's a slight problem: most stores don't carry that style of shoe in a big enough size! This is a serious drawback to having a child who walks later AND has big feet (size 6!). I'm currently bidding online for a pair that will (hopefully) fit, but we shall see. In the meantime, we'll just keep practicing barefoot. I really wish he would walk in the shoes, because I know how much he loves going outside!
And now I will just take a moment to brag about my kiddo, who says more and more new things every day. As it turns out, he's better with the verbal stuff than the physical stuff! Here's a list of the things he says right now and what they mean:
uh-oh = uh-oh
doggy = doggy
cacka = cracker
nana = banana
duh! = done!
neh = no (funny, because it means "yes" in Greek!)
Dardee = Charlie
Corky = Corky
Daddy, Papa = Daddy (though he also uses this as his "default" word for everything!)
Mama = Mom
Yaya = Yia-yia
Pappou = Pappou
Mamaw = Grandma
Papaw = Grandpa
raaaawr = lion (roar!)
ba = ball
baba = bottle
pbpbpb (car noise) = car, truck, motorcycle (anything with wheels-- including wheelchairs, haha!)
bah bah bah = chicken (bock, bock, bock!)
baaaaa = sheep
tee = tree
nigh-nigh = night-night (bedtime)
chee = cheese
And I know there are more, but these are the "for sures" I can think of right now. And I have to say-- that ain't bad! The kid has 20+ words, and he's not even 15 months old yet! So I'd say that makes up for the late walking. :) Way to go, Nikos!
On the baby girl front, I finally went through all of Nikos' old clothes and pulled out everything that I think would also work for a girl (or just be plain comfy or useful, regardless of looks). As it turns out, this kid has quite a bit of clothes now! As soon as Gus is done with his closet renovation (this weekend or next), I'm going to start putting things into their proper places. Right now, everything is just in bags on the floor of her room. I can't wait to "unpack," so to speak!
I've also started working on an art project for her wall. Nikos has his name on his wall in colors that coordinate with his room, so I'm doing something similar for her. I bought a cute wooden plaque and little wooden letters that are more "curly" and less "blocky" than the ones I used in Nikos' room. I've painted them all white already, and next I will paint the letters so that they go with the bedding we've picked out (pink/yellow/aqua/pale green daisies). And after they are finished, I'll attach them to the plaque, and then attack the plaque to the wall using ribbon. It's going to be so cute, I just know it!! I have a vision! But alas, I can't show any of it, because that would mean revealing the name. Maybe I'll just show one letter when it's all done and painted?? We'll see! :)
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