In honor of the occasion, I have decided to take my first belly shot of this pregnancy. I have been meaning to take them all along, like I did with Nikos, but I simply haven't had the time. Anyway, here I am with our half-cooked baby girl (who is currently kicking up a storm in there-- she's definitely awake!)! :)
And, spurred on by the sudden realization that the weeks are slipping by faster than I thought, I made good progress in emptying out her room this weekend! I moved my computer, Gus' laptop, and one computer desk out to our dining room and set it all up. It's actually pretty unobtrusive-looking, though this is not the ultimate plan. We're going to give the other computer desk to Florian, who basically has nothing to furnish his new apartment with. And once we get Gus' music files off of his old desktop computer, we'll yank the hard drive out and donate the rest. I also began the tedious process of emptying out the closet which, despite its small size, is overflowing with various things (file cabinet, tons of office supplies/paper, gift wrapping materials, ironing board, and lots of miscellaneous stuff that just doesn't have a home). It's been sort of our catch-all closet, and now we're losing it. It's slow-going because it requires so much reorganization of OTHER parts of the house in order to provide new homes for the various things. But it's progress nonetheless! I am thinking that the room will be totally emptied out by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!!
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