Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beginning Babbling

Whoa! Over the past few days, it's like some sort of switch has clicked on inside of Nikos' brain, and he's begun to babble like crazy! He's always made plenty of noise, but suddenly the consonants have appeared: "ga," "da," "ka," "ba," etc. He is so funny to listen to! It's especially cute when he babbles to his toys, because it really seems like he's trying to talk to them! Anyhow, I took some video. This is not a representative sample, because he gets a little quieter as soon as he sees the camera, but you'll get the idea!

Naturally, Gus is convinced that his first word is going to be "Dada," and I wouldn't be all that surprised (since he says "da" a lot, and hasn't said "ma" at all). Still, my money is on "kitty," because of the way he lights up and starts chattering whenever Charlie walks into the room. But only time will tell! :)

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