Friday, October 5, 2007

Slower and Slower She Goes...

ughhhhhhh... That's really the only way to describe how I feel when I have to walk around anywhere lately! I took a "personal day" today to put my feet up and relax, but I did venture out to get a few things at Walmart at around 2:00. I got a decent parking spot but, as I started walking toward the door, I began to have doubts that I could actually make it all the way! I was so tired and sore and couldn't muster much more than a shuffling waddle. Once I got inside and had a shopping cart to lean on, things were a little better. Still, I am moving so slowly these days! I only needed to get five things, but it took me almost an hour to get everything. Granted, I did run into a former student's mother and we talked for a bit, but I was still really slow!

Anyway... I am so ready for this kid to get here! I totally buy into Alayna's comment in my last post... This has to be nature's way of getting me ready for childbirth, because I'm at a point where I'd do just about anything to get him out! A few weeks ago, I was scared about having to actually give birth. My attitude has totally changed now: Pain?? I'll deal with it. The real question is: How on Earth am I going to make it through work next week? It's been getting harder and harder for me and, even though the end is in sight (October 12th!), it seems like the last part of the climb is the steepest... sigh... Wish me luck!

Random Update: I got a letter about a month ago telling me that my insurance wouldn't cover the amnio we had back in May-- and I was really ticked off about it! I filed an appeal, though, and found out today that they overturned the denial! Hooray!


Alayna said...

Since our babies both have (or will have) fall birthdays, this is totally taking me back to last year. I really sympathize with how you're feeling and hope Nikos decides to come soon.

Also, one thing I really remember and am grateful for is that Sacha and I took some time after I stopped working to just hang out before the baby came. We saw some movies, went out to eat, puttered around the house, and just enjoyed being together. Even though I was totally massive and not too mobile, it was a great thing to do and I look back on those days fondly.

Hope you guys have a good and mellow weekend!

Anonymous said...

almost here, you hang in there briar!!!