Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sleepless in San Diego

Last night was *the worst* night of "sleep" that I've ever had, and I am officially in a foul mood today. It seems unfair, really, that the sleep deprivation would begin before the baby actually arrives, but that's what has happened! My coworkers told me that this was God's way of preparing mothers-to-be for all the sleepless nights ahead, but I think that's a load of crap. I think it's just torture!!

After dinner last night, I was incredibly uncomfortable. I felt crampy and kept getting these stabbing/pinching pains in my pelvic area. Were they contractions??? I still don't know! At any rate, they weren't regular or even "timeable," and they stopped at around 11pm. I was miserable all night long, though... My heartburn was flaring up... My hips/pelvis continue to become more and more sore with every day that goes by... I had to get up practically every hour to go to the bathroom, but hardly a drop would come out. To summarize: it really sucked. The highlight was when the growling noises coming from my stomach and intestines actually woke Gus up. Fun!

Anyway... My theory is that the baby moved down a little bit more yesterday, and he ended up squashing a bunch of my intestines as well as my bladder. Whenever I'd roll over, he'd move slightly and things were (momentarily) allowed to proceed as usual in my digestive tract. It was baby-versus-intestines all night long! I feel a lot better now (he seems to have shifted around a bit), but boy, am I tired! I hope he gives me a break tonight, because I'd really like to get a good night's sleep at least ONCE before he gets here! At the same time, I do hope he gets here soon... Physically, I don't know how much more I can take of this misery!


Anonymous said...

reading that did not make me jealous at ALL! not one bit. probably when you post up your pictures, i'll be "ahh-ing" and "oooo-ing," but i'm thinking of you, Briar! i hope you have a wonderful delivery. evict him soon!

Anonymous said...

Briar, I hope you slept better last night. Will you please update here if you can when you go into the hospital? I have been checking this blog every time I get on the computer just to see if Nikos is here yet!

Love, Wendy

Briar said...

Don't worry! I will try to post on here once I go into labor/before going to the hospital. Plus, I'll be emailing everybody in the known universe once he gets out (we'll have a laptop at the hospital, and they have free WiFi- yeah!!). :)