Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
More snow fun! And Man vs. Driveway
Anyhow... We didn't really have any plans for the day, aside from clearing the driveway. But a local friend really wanted to go sledding, so I invited her and her kiddos over to enjoy our perfect slope! Seriously, we bought a house with the ultimate sledding hill. It is so cool to be able to just go out back and sled to our hearts' content! At any rate, she came over after lunch, and the kids had a great time. The four of them play together really well-- her kids are the same age, but switch the genders. Nikos and her daughter will be in the same grade, while Maya and her son will be together. Through all the same schools, too! A convenient friend to have, indeed!! Anyway, here are a few pictures from their snow adventures... And one from when they came back in. These two love each other! I sense future blackmail material!! Perhaps in high school? Meanwhile... Gus was working in the driveway. Allow me to back up a few days, to the last snowstorm. On Thursday morning, Gus had cleared the driveway before leaving for work. However, it was still snowing-- another two or so inches fell after he was done. I should have gone out and cleared it before he got home. Hindsight is 20/20! But I didn't, and figured it was shallow enough that driving on it wouldn't be a problem. Gus thought the same thing. No biggie. He drove on it on Thursday night, and again on Friday morning. And Friday afternoon was when I realized two things. One was that our driveway was now covered with hard-packed snow and ice. The second thing was that the forecast didn't include any temperatures that were above freezing, for as far ahead as I could see. Soooo... the ice had to go. And thus began the battle of Man vs. Driveway (or, in my case, Woman vs. Driveway).
I spent about 2.5 hours out there on Friday, shoveling and salting and chipping away at the mess. I got maybe a quarter of the driveway clear. It was 27 degrees, and I was SWEATING! It was a ton of work! I took a break at one point and did some research. I decided that we absolutely, positively NEEDED a chipper/scraper tool (this exact one). I was literally hacking away at the ice with a garden hoe. It was not very effective!
First thing yesterday morning, the four of us headed to the store in search of better equipment. We got a new shovel, a chipper/scraper thing, a salt spreader, and Gus got a pair of Yaktrax (impulse buy--they were on sale! They are very cool, though!). Then we came home, got the kids settled inside the house, and got to work. The chipper/scraper/whatever-you-call it tool was the BEST. Seriously, we should have just gotten two of those. It was still slow-going, but would have been impossible without that tool. By the time the snow started falling, we (mostly Gus!) had gotten this far... Remember, the entire driveway had been covered! And there was an icy snowbank at the end of the driveway from the plows going by! When we woke up this morning, the driveway was completely covered-- but it was with light, powdery snow. Gus made quick work of it with the snowblower, and then set to work on removing the rest of the ice. And he did it! The sunny weather helped a bit, though today's high temperature was still only 26 degrees. He also cleared out the little parking pad we use to turn our cars around. It looks SO much better now! And I feel a lot less stranded, seeing as how my car doesn't have all-wheel drive OR snow tires! The plan now is to just keep on top of the driveway-- and never drive on the snow, unless there are warmer temperatures in the immediate forecast! It just packs it down and turns it to solid ice. Which then, in turn, is VERY difficult to remove! Lesson learned! We are going to be pros by the time this winter is over. And also, I think we are going to be getting a lot of exercise. Not necessarily a bad thing!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I took hardly any photos, since I preferred to just enjoy my time with my family. The snow was falling outside all morning, the fire in the pellet stove kept us all cozy, and we all stayed in our pajamas all day. We had French toast and strawberries for breakfast, and a yummy ham for dinner (with snowflake rolls, green beans, and scalloped potatoes). And pumpkin pie for dessert, of course!
I did get a few pics, though, which I will share here. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Monday, December 24, 2012
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...
Saturday, December 22, 2012
White Christmas
Well, we still have a few days until Christmas. The shopping is done, the presents are wrapped, and the menu has been selected. All we need now is some snow on the ground!
We've actually had snow the past few days. And it has been beautiful! Sadly, it never sticks around-- most of it melts on contact. But it was, in fact, snowing today, and we were feeling particularly festive. AND, since I just registered the kids for ice skating lessons last night, we thought it might be fun to go skating at an outdoor rink in the nearby city. The kids loved it!! It was freezing, though, with the temperature dropping down to around 27 degrees by the time we left. And there were times when it actually snowed on us pretty hard while we were there. As the only member of our family who does not own fleece- or flannel-lined jeans, I was dying! I should have worn my thermal pants underneath my jeans! Oh well. We didn't stay too long, because it was REALLY cold (for us). But I did get a few pictures, at least!
Then, at dinner time, we went out to one of our favorite restaurants and gorged ourselves silly. In lieu of a company Christmas party, Gus' company decided to reimburse everyone up to a certain amount to go out to a nice, family dinner. Such an awesome idea! So this dinner was on their dime, and we enjoyed every bite. Plus, the ambiance is just perfect... warm fires burning in the fireplaces, perched over a rushing stream, with unpretentious decor and a big, beautiful Christmas tree. It was perfect!Thursday, December 20, 2012
Nikos has been giving me a rough time getting ready in the mornings, though. I think it's just a control issue, since he is very happy and successful at preschool (I was informed the other day that he is one of the best "cutters" they have, hehe!). And it's really only been over the past two weeks. But I made him a deal yesterday: if he didn't give me trouble this morning, we could go to the science museum to see the new dinosaur exhibit. Guess who was a little angel when he woke up? :) Both kids loved it. And they thought it was especially funny that Siegfried the Stegosaurus had on a scarf and mittens. (Personally, I was just thrilled that he was moved closer to the building, as opposed to being way out across the parking lot. Since we ALWAYS have to visit him, no matter what!) While we were looking at another exhibit inside, a hallway door opened and an employee came out, carrying a plastic wading pool. As we scooted to get out of her way, she invited us up to the second floor to watch her do an enrichment activity with their hedgehog. It was just us, plus one other little girl and her dad. So cool! We sat right up front and watched the little hedgehog run around looking for hidden grubs. Both kids really enjoyed it, and we learned a lot about hedgehogs. Good times! In other news... I did a huge clean-out of the kids' playroom today, in preparation for the onslaught of new toys they will be receiving. I have a bunch of bags all set to donate. And you would think the kids would have noticed that there were some toys missing... but they haven't said a word! I guess that just proves that they had too many toys to begin with, haha!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Ice, Ice Everywhere!
Anyway... We experienced another "Massachusetts first" two days ago: ICE! Sure, we had a few snow storms last year. But never an ice storm! This was crazy! It started on Sunday afternoon, as we were driving back from a holiday open house. I couldn't believe how many car accidents we passed on the freeway. Everyone appeared to be uninjured, but their cars had just slid off the road and ended up stuck in places they didn't belong. One car was straddling a guard rail (upright). I have no idea how it got up there! But yes. It was scary. And it was a very slow drive home, for obvious reasons!
The next morning, however, the entire world was encased in glassy ice. It was so beautiful! As soon as I finished my coffee, I threw on some warm clothing and my boots, and went out to take photos. Of course! It took Gus a long time to get the ice off his windshield when he left for work in the morning, but he assured me that getting out of our driveway wasn't a problem. But... it was. As I learned after lunch, when I NEEDED to go to the grocery store...
I tried walking on the driveway, and quickly realized that it was one solid sheet of ice. I couldn't walk on it-- at all! So I thought I would be clever and throw some road salt down. Except it did absolutely nothing-- it was still below freezing, so the ice would melt and then re-freeze. Lesson number one! I loaded the kids into the car, anyway, and backed out of the garage very slowly. So far so good. We have a pad off to the side of our driveway that we use to turn around, so that we can go out onto the road head-first (since it's a busier road). I backed into that... and got stuck. In the middle of the sheet of ice. With both kids in the car. Joy!
Long story short, I got out of the car, walked along the side of the driveway (on the grass) up to the house, and then had to walk across it to get to the front door. That was where I ended up on all fours, with my butt up in the air. I'm sure I provided a good deal of entertainment to people driving by. I eventually managed to get the bag of salt and make it back to the car, where I piled it around each wheel until the ice was melted and slushy. And then, I managed to pull forward and get out of the driveway. The whole process took about half an hour, and was so stressful!!! The good news is that the roads were nice and clear. And the better news is that I was able to get back into the garage without too much excitement. But the best news of all was that it poured rain all night and washed it away. Goodbye, ice! For now, anyway... sigh...
Saturday, December 15, 2012
New Phone!
So, yesterday was horrific. I don't really want to talk about it, except that the school in Connecticut was just two hours away. But really, it could have happened anywhere. I feel sick to my stomach as both a mom and a (former) teacher. And that is all I can say about it right now.
In completely unrelated news, I got a new phone yesterday... an android! I am finally joining the twenty-first century. This post is actually bring typed on said phone. We shall see if it works...
Finally, pics of my babies. I can't imagine never being able to cuddle with them again. It hurts my heart. :(
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Still Alive!
Last week, we went to Caryn's house and made gingerbread houses. The kids had a blast, as did the adults! If you remember, this playdate last year was our very first one in Massachusetts, and it was the first time I met Caryn in person. I had no idea our families would become such a good friends. I mean, we see her several times a week EVERY WEEK, haha! And then we went back on Sunday to celebrate the second night of Hanukkah with them. Niko ended up being a superstar at spinning the dreidel! This was after he repeatedly told us he couldn't do it. I think he was trying to hustle everyone! I've also been taking care of Christmas shopping, of course. I think I am officially done shopping for our family now, though things still keep popping up (dance class adopted a family, preschool is collecting canned food, my women's club is doing a toy drive, etc.). Lots of little things this time of year. I am also hosting a huge holiday party this weekend for the club I'm in... At least thirty people will be here. At least the house is looking good! :) And that's it, for now. I feel like I've been incredibly busy, and I can't remember half of what's been going on. Oh, I talked to the post office about possibly getting a mailbox at the end of our driveway (as opposed to having to drive over to it), and it looks like it might be a possibility! It's not a huge thing, but I am very, very excited about it, haha! OH, and I've been working on turning the past two years of this blog into a book... I'm about six months in. sigh. Lots to do! I will try to post more this week!
Monday, December 3, 2012
What a difference a day (and a year) makes!
But a single day can make a huge difference, too! Last time I posted, on Saturday night, it was soooooooo cold! It had been snowing all day and was in the low twenties (but felt even colder). So it was very odd to wake up the next morning and see that the outside temperature was already at 39 degrees! We made it to 50 degrees yesterday! All the snow on the ground? Gone. And today, at 8:42am, the temperature is already in the mid-forties. It feels like spring, only without the hints of greenery poking through. So weird! I think we will be playing outside today and taking advantage of this!
Yesterday, though, I was so thankful for the suddenly "warm" weather. We went back to the Festival of Trees, and the kids got to enjoy all the other activities. We rode on a horse-drawn carriage down Main Street, took a spin on an antique fire truck, and did some holiday crafts. The kids had a great opportunity to see Santa... but they wouldn't, as expected. Note to self, though: That event is the best place to see Santa, if we can ever convince them to do it! The setup they have is impressive, the lines are short, and the official photo is only $3! Much better than the mall!
Anyway, here are a few pics from the carriage ride. I took this one as the carriage was pulling up. Our ride! And this was the view as we rode down Main Street. You should have seen the line of cars behind us, haha! We ran into quite a few friends while we were there, including my buddy Miranda, who went on the carriage with us. She snapped a family photo for us-- a rare thing these days! Anyway, it was a lot of fun, made all the more enjoyable by the non-freezing weather! Now that I know what the festival is all about, I plan to drag the kids to even more of the events next year. It's so cool!
Later on, we went to get more Christmas decorations for the outside of the house. I actually haven't seen them in the daylight yet, so I might need to go out and take a picture later! We got wreaths to hang on all the front windows of the house-- I bet it looks awesome! In the meantime, here's a picture from the front room last night. Between the toasty-warm pellet stove and the Christmas tree, this is my happy place! ahhhh...
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Let It Snow!
After lunch, Gus needed to get a few things for his next business trip, so we took a family trip to the store. I got some more Christmas decorations-- hooray! One day, I will have enough to adequately decorate this beast of a house. We didn't have that many decorations to begin with, and our old house was a third of the size as this one. And the cold weather/snow really puts me in a festive mood. I needed more decorations!
On the way back, we stopped off at the Festival of Trees. This is quite an event in our town! I wish I had known about it last year! It began last night, with a bell-ringing concert at the church. I wanted to go, but was outvoted (sigh). And today, the library was opened up for the festival itself. Upstairs was where Santa and Mrs. Claus were set up, so kids could visit with them. There were elves, games, and assorted treats. None of which I got to look at very carefully, since the kids were dragging us away from there at full speed (they're both scared of Santa... sigh.). Downstairs, we looked at all of the Christmas trees and gingerbread houses that people had decorated. My friend, a baker who owns her own cake business, sculpted a bunch of cupcake ornaments for her tree. Another favorite was the "B.L.Tree," where all of the ornaments were large pieces of bacon, lettuce, or tomato (and the topper was a large B.L.T. sandwich). It was so funny! We also bought raffle tickets and entered to win six different baskets of goodies. So, we'll see!
From there, we zipped home and I got started on dinner. By the time we were done eating, it was time to leave again. We wanted to see the lighting of the town's official Christmas tree. It was SO COLD. I guess 25 degrees isn't that bad (it will get a lot colder than that, soon), but standing in it for half an hour was BRUTAL. I thought I was dressed warmly enough, but I wasn't. I should have opted for my snow gloves instead of my Isotoners, and I should have worn my thermal pants under my jeans. BRRR!!! But I was surprised at how many people were there, despite the weather. I mean, seriously... look at this picture. This was taken with the flash. I quickly learned that the flash wouldn't work, with all the tiny snowflakes/mist around us! These were invisible to the naked eye, by the way... but you could feel the ice in the air and on your face! Finally, 15 minutes later than the scheduled time, they came out of the church (pictured on the right) and lit the tree. Hooray! It was neat to be there, and the kids enjoyed it, but it was even MORE awesome to zip back to the car and try to warm up again! We drove home and promptly stood in front of the toasty pellet stove for a bit to defrost. Ahhh... I love that pellet stove. So, SO much! It really puts out an amazing amount of heat. Anyway... the kiddos went to bed shortly thereafter, and I wrapped Christmas presents. Now I'm drinking cocoa. It's the most wonderful time of the year!! It's also surreal to think that we were in California only a few days ago, haha! What a difference!