Lately, I feel like there is just SO MUCH that doesn't ever make it onto this blog, and I hereby vow to do better. Between being a full-time mommy to two very mobile, very active kiddos and starting up my own photography business (which is doing pretty well, I might add!), I am WIPED! Not to mention all the other commitments we have going on. It's all fun, but it just doesn't leave much time for blogging!
But I digress.
Back to the point, indicated by the post title: my kids are nuts. Even on the most trying days, they can always make me smile and laugh. Take today, for example. I didn't feel well this morning. Nothing specific, just generally tired and blah. I had NO energy. And when Maya went down for her morning nap, I wanted to take one, too. Nikos was playing with his cars in the living room, and I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. Two minutes later, without saying a word, Nikos ran back to his room, got his blanket, bear, pillow and "Plablo" (really Pablo, a cute stuffed penguin from a show he likes), and climbed up on the couch with me. Then he got off, grabbed the remote, brought it back, and asked for The Wiggles. So I put it on for him... and then I slept!! He only woke me up when it was over, and just wanted me to start it again. So I did. And I managed to get an hour nap this morning, snuggled up with my boy. That NEVER HAPPENS! But I am not complaining.
Still, that's not really crazy, just sweet. Here's some crazy for you: After Maya woke up, we went grocery shopping. Much like Nikos used to, Maya LOVES holding random food items before they actually get into the basket. Today's top item was a can of frosting, which she carried with her for almost the entire trip. Better yet, she would hold it up in front of her face, like a camera, and say "CHEEEEESE!" I mean, she was YELLING this all through the market, at top volume, pointing her can of frosting at random passers-by. It was so funny! She has this new Elmo camera toy that my parents gave her, which I think is where she got the "cheese!" thing, but it is just hilarious! Meanwhile, Nikos kept telling her, "Maya, no yelling in the market! Shhh!" And you should've seen the look on the checkout lady's face when I asked to get the can of frosting back right away after she scanned it (Maya was crying for it). haha!
Then, back at home, the kids were playing nicely while I was washing dishes. I always close off certain rooms when they are wandering, mostly because Maya gets into trouble. She puts things in the toilet, pulls dirty diapers out of the pail in her room-- that sort of thing. So we close those doors. And Nikos doesn't usually mess with them, because there's nothing in those rooms he really needs or cares to mess with anymore.
Anyway, it got quiet. REALLY quiet. Too quiet. I thought they were both back in Nikos' room, and went to check, but they weren't there. On a whim, I opened the door to our bedroom. Yup. Nikos was very-quietly-but-very-excitedly jumping like a madman on our bed, while Maya ran around in circles on the floor with my bra on her head and one of Gus' dirty socks in her hand. I wanted to be annoyed, really, but I couldn't help laughing. It was seriously like a scene out of a movie! And I WISH I had gotten a picture!!
So later on, I went to look for a bag of craft-type supplies I had purchased a while back. Things I needed to make the favors for Melissa's baby shower next weekend-- you know, kind of important? But they weren't where I thought they were, and I couldn't find them anywhere! I was tearing the house apart. Nikos thought this was great fun, and was crawling around, looking under things and calling, "Baaaaag! Where aaaaaare you?" After about 45 minutes, I found it. It was in a dumb place. But I felt much better.
After dinner, Nikos was in his "songwriting" mood. Here are a few new ones (set to the tune of
"The Elephant Song," as always!)
"Maya, I like Maya, I like how she wears her new shoo-oooes, I like Maya!"
"Daddy, I like Daddy, I like how he eats his pizza, I like Daddy!"
and, my personal favorite,
"Mommy, I like Mommy,
I like how she finds the bag, Mommmy, I like Mommy!"
God, they crack me up. And don't even get me started on the completely irresistable cuteness that is Maya dancing (which she does ALL. THE. TIME. lately). But that deserves a video, so I'll save that one for later.
I love my crazy kiddos!!