So I am pleased to report that things are getting better! When I wrote the last post, I was definitely at an emotional low point. I don't think I ever realized how truly frustrating breastfeeding could be, but we are slowly making progress. Nikos hasn't had any formula whatsoever in almost 48 hours, and I've been able to feed him enough. It seems like all I ever DO is feed him, which is pretty exhausting, but at least he's getting breastmilk now. I almost started crying yesterday when I saw yellow poop in his diaper. Yeah, it's gross, but I was SO HAPPY! For those of you who don't know, formula = green poop and breastmilk = yellow poop. My baby has yellow poop now!!! Happy dance!!!
We're also getting through the nights much better now. The first night home from the hospital was a nightmare. We were all still figuring things out. Our original plan was to put the kiddo into his crib in the nursery right away, but after realizing just how often we'd be up with him, we knew that wasn't gonna happen (at least, not for a while). So we moved the Pack N Play into our bedroom, and that has been his temporary home. Though now that I think about it, he hasn't slept in it a whole lot. He tends to sleep on Gus' chest. Which worries me a bit, because he can't do that forever! But for now, it's working, and we're getting two- to three-hour chunks of sleep at a time. I'll take it!
The good news is that Nikos seems to be a pretty easy baby to read. He doesn't really start crying unless he's hungry or needs to be changed. So if we check his diaper and it's clean, then I feed him until he dozes off again. We've got it down to a system where Gus is the one in charge of getting out of bed and checking on him, and I'm in charge of all things food-related. We're both getting more sleep AND I'm feeling a lot better (getting in and out of bed is tough after abdominal surgery).
Anyway, I just wanted to report that things are getting better, slowly but surely. Hey, I actually had time to go on the computer and post this-- so that's something! I will try to post again this afternoon, since we have his first doctor's appointment this morning at 11:15. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he's gained weight!
And, of course, a photo... Don't tell Gus I put this on here, he doesn't like it when I take pictures with him in them. But how could I not??
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
On Our Own
We came home yesterday afternoon, which definitely falls under the category of "mixed blessings." While it felt really good to be home, and was reassuring to know that we were all healthy and well, it was absolutely terrifying to realize that it's just us now. The past day has been a real rollercoaster of emotions, especially for me. It's been hard to stop crying. I can't even describe how frustrating breastfeeding has been... We were lucky enough to meet with the lactation nurse at the hospital a number of times before we were discharged, and that made a HUGE difference. But now that we're home, it's just... different. (Maybe this is TMI, but I am beyond caring at this point.) When we were in the hospital, my body was producing nothing. Not a single drop of milk. I guess this sometimes happens with c-sections-- it takes a little longer for the message to get to my brain. The lactation nurse had us supplementing Nikos with formula through a small tube attached to a syringe while he was latched onto me. The idea behind this was that he'd get to practice breastfeeding and learn to associate me with food. Meanwhile, I had to use a breastpump every three hours, to encourage my milk supply to come in. It felt so good to be proactive-- I really felt like I was doing something about the problem. And last night, when we were home, milk started to actually come out when I pumped!! This morning, it was even more, and I was able to pump almost 2 ounces! I thought for sure that this would be enough, and that we'd be done with the whole formula thing (which I never wanted to use in the first place). But no. Even when I gave him the two ounces, he still continued to scream and cry and act hungry. I breastfed him, and I KNOW that he was getting milk (because I could hear swallowing noises), but it still wasn't enough. Nothing I do is enough, it seems!!! So we ended up giving him formula, and he was happy. But I feel like a total failure. And I know it's not totally rational, but it's true. And it's depressing.
Anyway... we survived the first night at home, though I don't think we slept for more than a few hours, total. The good news is that it can only get better from here...
Anyway... we survived the first night at home, though I don't think we slept for more than a few hours, total. The good news is that it can only get better from here...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
One Million Dollars!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Our Little Pumpkin Is Here!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Birth Story
As remembered on January 4th, 2008...
After a few anxiety-filled days of wondering where my doctor was and if our house might burn down, I was summoned to the hospital to be induced on October 24, 2007. By the time we checked in and got started, it was a little after noon. Gus and I were both so excited. I felt so relieved to know that the end was in sight! The nurse had me change into a hospital gown, and she attached devices to my belly to monitor the baby’s hear rate and my contractions. At around 1 o’clock, she started the induction by inserting a tablet of Cytotec near my cervix. Almost instantly, I began to have contractions that I could feel. They weren’t too uncomfortable, but they were becoming stronger and more regular. By 5 o’clock, when the nurse put in the next Cytotec tablet, I had begun to dilate.
The hours after that were filled with watching TV and using Gus’ laptop to go on the internet. Gus’ parents showed up for a surprise visit in the evening, just as my contractions were starting to get unpleasant. My actual doctor, Dr. Kreitzer, arrived later that evening and said he didn’t want to start Pitocin yet because I was progressing so well. I continued to labor even after the Cytotec wore off, and he thought my body might just do things on its own, if given the chance!
Things quieted down for a bit, so we decided to try and get some sleep. But by around midnight, the contractions were so painful that I couldn’t relax for more than a minute or two at a time. I had dilated to almost 4 centimeters! The nurse came in to check on me, and asked if I’d like to get an epidural. I wanted to try and wait a little bit longer—which I did. But I was exhausted, and in quite a bit of pain. At around 1:30, we requested the epidural. In retrospect, I know that I could have easily tolerated the pain for much longer, but I was desperate for some shuteye at that point!
The process of getting the epidural really wasn’t bad at all. I felt a mild stinging/burning sensation in my back for just a few seconds, and then a cold sensation as the medication was pumped in. By 2am, I didn’t feel much of anything at all below my chest! It was the strangest feeling—I touched my legs, but my brain didn’t even recognize them as my own! Rolling over became a two-person job, since I couldn’t move my legs or waist at all. And I had to roll over every few hours to make sure that the epidural medication didn’t all pool on one side of my body.
From that point on, I slept really well! The epidural caused some itchiness on my chest and shoulders, but the nurse gave me an antihistamine to take care of that. By morning, I was convinced that I would be ready to push, and that I’d have a baby before lunch. But when the new (more aggressive) doctor arrived to check on me after a shift change, he said that I was still at 4 centimeters. He was eager to start me on Pitocin to speed things along.
They administered Pitocin through my IV, and the contractions became so strong that I was feeling some discomfort, even with the epidural. I noticed that I could feel them more on one side than the other, and I attributed this to not rolling over as often as I should have. The morning was a long one… I was so hungry, and I begged the nurse to let me have something, ANYTHING to eat. She gave in and let me have a bowl of orange Jell-o, which ended up being a huge mistake.
At around 11am, my parents arrived at the hospital after stopping by our house to check on the animals and to get a sweatshirt for Gus. We visited with them for about half an hour, and then I threw up. Up came the orange Jell-o I had begged and pleaded for! My parents ran to get the nurse, who was already on her way for another reason: She had noticed on her computer that the baby’s heart rate had begun to decelerate during my contractions, and it had been happening for a few minutes. She ran to get the doctor, who checked me and said I was going to need an emergency C-section. NOW. And that’s when things got crazy!
One nurse rushed in with a pack of scrubs for Gus to put on. Meanwhile, he had to pack up all our belongings—we were told to leave them in the room, and that they would find their way to us in the end. I was surrounded by a million people at once: the anesthesiologist, who increased my epidural, and a slew of people asking me “Can you feel that?” or “Are you allergic to this?” I had to take off my earrings and give them to Gus. A nurse gave me some foul-tasting liquid to calm my stomach, since I had just thrown up. And minutes later, just before noon, I was wheeled through the hospital to the operating room. Gus was told to wait in a side room until I was prepped for surgery, so I was completely alone for a few minutes.
Those few minutes were… bizarre. I remember apologizing to the surgery team as they lifted me onto the table—I was dead weight, after all, since I couldn’t feel anything below my arms! Even my left arm was starting to go numb. The room was so bright and sterile, and the anesthesiologist stayed near my head and made small talk while I was being prepped. Then Gus was back in the room, and just in the nick of time—I needed to throw up again. He grabbed a small bowl and caught it all (thank God!). The anesthesiologist gave him a wet towel to wipe my face with, and then made me drink another gross concoction to help with my nausea. Unfortunately, it had the side effect of causing serious drowsiness. My eyelids began drooping almost immediately, but I fought with all my power to stay conscious.
Suddenly, Gus was standing up to look over the sheet, and he started taking pictures. All the doctors started to say things like, “We’ve got a big one!” and “What a cute boy!” I couldn’t see him or hear him yet. They, along with Gus, took him over to a warming table to stimulate him, and that’s when I got my first look at my beautiful baby boy. A split second later, he started crying lustily, and I knew his lungs had to be healthy! I cried. I wanted to hold him and be near him so badly, but I couldn’t. Minutes later, after cutting the remainder of the umbilical cord, Gus brought him over to me for the first time. All I could do was kiss him on the head, since I couldn’t move my arms. And after a few minutes of taking photos, I was having a very tough time staying awake! Gus took the baby off to the nursery for his first check-up, and the surgery team closed me up.
I vaguely remember being wheeled down to the recovery room. It was a long room filled with a lot of people, all of us separated by curtains. A nurse gave me morphine for my pain, but I couldn’t really move. I was in and out of consciousness. Gus appeared, and he was absolutely radiating happiness and excitement. He told me all about the baby’s check up, and that he was absolutely perfect (he got an 8 and then a 9 on his Apgars). He told me all about the cute things the baby did, and all the little things he just adored about him. I started to feel depressed and detached at this point… I couldn’t move my arms enough to hold him, and it seemed like he had bonded instantly with his Daddy and that he wouldn’t even know who I was. That feeling would last almost a week for me—I felt like Nikos and I were complete strangers, even though we had lived together for nine whole months and he shared half of my DNA!
As I started to wake up, Gus began bringing in family members one at a time to see us. First came my mom, then his mom, then his dad, then my dad, and finally his sister. Everybody got to hold him, but I still wasn’t able to. By the time his dad came in, I was regaining some feeling in my arms and legs, and was finally able to hold him for a few minutes. And after the visit was over, we tried to breastfeed for the first time (unsuccessfully, I might add!).
After three hours in the recovery room, I could bend my knees and was ready to be moved to my real post-partum room on the fifth floor. I got to hold my baby some more, and was finally allowed to drink water (I was dying of thirst!). Our parents came up for another quick visit, but I could barely keep my eyes open. I managed to send out a quick email from the laptop, letting everyone know that Nikos had been born, but then I fell into a deep sleep. Same with Nikos—he and I both slept like babies that first night, even though we were woken up every hour to be checked by the nurses!
At midnight, the nurse made me stand up and walk for the first time since the surgery. I stood up beside the bed, and blood came gushing out of me and onto the floor. I was in horrible pain, even with medication! I couldn’t stand up straight. I slowly limped my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up, leaving a trail of bloody footprints on the floor. I had to drag my IV pole along with me, and the various tubes made things complicated. By morning, both my IV and catheter were removed, and I had to go to the bathroom on my own. The tape covering my staples was also removed, and I was given permission to shower, if I wanted (I did). Moving was still incredibly painful, though, and I had to hunch over to even think about walking.
Over the next few days, the pain gradually lessened and we were inundated with visitors from morning ‘til night. Breastfeeding, on the other hand, wasn’t happening. I kept trying and trying, but the baby wouldn’t latch on and I SWORE that there was absolutely nothing coming out of my breasts. It turned out, later, that I was right. Because of the C-section, my brain hadn’t yet received the message that I’d had a baby and needed to produce milk! With help from a lactation nurse, we supplemented with formula and continued to practice breastfeeding. A day or two after we got home, my milk came in, and things got much better. But I shed a lot of tears those first few days, thinking that I couldn’t feed my baby AND that he didn’t even know who I was. When the visitors would leave, I’d sink into a sort of depression about the whole thing. It was really, really hard.
In the end, though, everything worked out. And I left the hospital with the most handsome baby boy in the entire universe, my little Nikos! And though my recovery was painful, and motherhood was a huge adjustment for me, it was worth every second.
After a few anxiety-filled days of wondering where my doctor was and if our house might burn down, I was summoned to the hospital to be induced on October 24, 2007. By the time we checked in and got started, it was a little after noon. Gus and I were both so excited. I felt so relieved to know that the end was in sight! The nurse had me change into a hospital gown, and she attached devices to my belly to monitor the baby’s hear rate and my contractions. At around 1 o’clock, she started the induction by inserting a tablet of Cytotec near my cervix. Almost instantly, I began to have contractions that I could feel. They weren’t too uncomfortable, but they were becoming stronger and more regular. By 5 o’clock, when the nurse put in the next Cytotec tablet, I had begun to dilate.
The hours after that were filled with watching TV and using Gus’ laptop to go on the internet. Gus’ parents showed up for a surprise visit in the evening, just as my contractions were starting to get unpleasant. My actual doctor, Dr. Kreitzer, arrived later that evening and said he didn’t want to start Pitocin yet because I was progressing so well. I continued to labor even after the Cytotec wore off, and he thought my body might just do things on its own, if given the chance!
Things quieted down for a bit, so we decided to try and get some sleep. But by around midnight, the contractions were so painful that I couldn’t relax for more than a minute or two at a time. I had dilated to almost 4 centimeters! The nurse came in to check on me, and asked if I’d like to get an epidural. I wanted to try and wait a little bit longer—which I did. But I was exhausted, and in quite a bit of pain. At around 1:30, we requested the epidural. In retrospect, I know that I could have easily tolerated the pain for much longer, but I was desperate for some shuteye at that point!
The process of getting the epidural really wasn’t bad at all. I felt a mild stinging/burning sensation in my back for just a few seconds, and then a cold sensation as the medication was pumped in. By 2am, I didn’t feel much of anything at all below my chest! It was the strangest feeling—I touched my legs, but my brain didn’t even recognize them as my own! Rolling over became a two-person job, since I couldn’t move my legs or waist at all. And I had to roll over every few hours to make sure that the epidural medication didn’t all pool on one side of my body.
From that point on, I slept really well! The epidural caused some itchiness on my chest and shoulders, but the nurse gave me an antihistamine to take care of that. By morning, I was convinced that I would be ready to push, and that I’d have a baby before lunch. But when the new (more aggressive) doctor arrived to check on me after a shift change, he said that I was still at 4 centimeters. He was eager to start me on Pitocin to speed things along.
They administered Pitocin through my IV, and the contractions became so strong that I was feeling some discomfort, even with the epidural. I noticed that I could feel them more on one side than the other, and I attributed this to not rolling over as often as I should have. The morning was a long one… I was so hungry, and I begged the nurse to let me have something, ANYTHING to eat. She gave in and let me have a bowl of orange Jell-o, which ended up being a huge mistake.
At around 11am, my parents arrived at the hospital after stopping by our house to check on the animals and to get a sweatshirt for Gus. We visited with them for about half an hour, and then I threw up. Up came the orange Jell-o I had begged and pleaded for! My parents ran to get the nurse, who was already on her way for another reason: She had noticed on her computer that the baby’s heart rate had begun to decelerate during my contractions, and it had been happening for a few minutes. She ran to get the doctor, who checked me and said I was going to need an emergency C-section. NOW. And that’s when things got crazy!
One nurse rushed in with a pack of scrubs for Gus to put on. Meanwhile, he had to pack up all our belongings—we were told to leave them in the room, and that they would find their way to us in the end. I was surrounded by a million people at once: the anesthesiologist, who increased my epidural, and a slew of people asking me “Can you feel that?” or “Are you allergic to this?” I had to take off my earrings and give them to Gus. A nurse gave me some foul-tasting liquid to calm my stomach, since I had just thrown up. And minutes later, just before noon, I was wheeled through the hospital to the operating room. Gus was told to wait in a side room until I was prepped for surgery, so I was completely alone for a few minutes.
Those few minutes were… bizarre. I remember apologizing to the surgery team as they lifted me onto the table—I was dead weight, after all, since I couldn’t feel anything below my arms! Even my left arm was starting to go numb. The room was so bright and sterile, and the anesthesiologist stayed near my head and made small talk while I was being prepped. Then Gus was back in the room, and just in the nick of time—I needed to throw up again. He grabbed a small bowl and caught it all (thank God!). The anesthesiologist gave him a wet towel to wipe my face with, and then made me drink another gross concoction to help with my nausea. Unfortunately, it had the side effect of causing serious drowsiness. My eyelids began drooping almost immediately, but I fought with all my power to stay conscious.
Suddenly, Gus was standing up to look over the sheet, and he started taking pictures. All the doctors started to say things like, “We’ve got a big one!” and “What a cute boy!” I couldn’t see him or hear him yet. They, along with Gus, took him over to a warming table to stimulate him, and that’s when I got my first look at my beautiful baby boy. A split second later, he started crying lustily, and I knew his lungs had to be healthy! I cried. I wanted to hold him and be near him so badly, but I couldn’t. Minutes later, after cutting the remainder of the umbilical cord, Gus brought him over to me for the first time. All I could do was kiss him on the head, since I couldn’t move my arms. And after a few minutes of taking photos, I was having a very tough time staying awake! Gus took the baby off to the nursery for his first check-up, and the surgery team closed me up.
I vaguely remember being wheeled down to the recovery room. It was a long room filled with a lot of people, all of us separated by curtains. A nurse gave me morphine for my pain, but I couldn’t really move. I was in and out of consciousness. Gus appeared, and he was absolutely radiating happiness and excitement. He told me all about the baby’s check up, and that he was absolutely perfect (he got an 8 and then a 9 on his Apgars). He told me all about the cute things the baby did, and all the little things he just adored about him. I started to feel depressed and detached at this point… I couldn’t move my arms enough to hold him, and it seemed like he had bonded instantly with his Daddy and that he wouldn’t even know who I was. That feeling would last almost a week for me—I felt like Nikos and I were complete strangers, even though we had lived together for nine whole months and he shared half of my DNA!
As I started to wake up, Gus began bringing in family members one at a time to see us. First came my mom, then his mom, then his dad, then my dad, and finally his sister. Everybody got to hold him, but I still wasn’t able to. By the time his dad came in, I was regaining some feeling in my arms and legs, and was finally able to hold him for a few minutes. And after the visit was over, we tried to breastfeed for the first time (unsuccessfully, I might add!).
After three hours in the recovery room, I could bend my knees and was ready to be moved to my real post-partum room on the fifth floor. I got to hold my baby some more, and was finally allowed to drink water (I was dying of thirst!). Our parents came up for another quick visit, but I could barely keep my eyes open. I managed to send out a quick email from the laptop, letting everyone know that Nikos had been born, but then I fell into a deep sleep. Same with Nikos—he and I both slept like babies that first night, even though we were woken up every hour to be checked by the nurses!
At midnight, the nurse made me stand up and walk for the first time since the surgery. I stood up beside the bed, and blood came gushing out of me and onto the floor. I was in horrible pain, even with medication! I couldn’t stand up straight. I slowly limped my way to the bathroom to get cleaned up, leaving a trail of bloody footprints on the floor. I had to drag my IV pole along with me, and the various tubes made things complicated. By morning, both my IV and catheter were removed, and I had to go to the bathroom on my own. The tape covering my staples was also removed, and I was given permission to shower, if I wanted (I did). Moving was still incredibly painful, though, and I had to hunch over to even think about walking.
Over the next few days, the pain gradually lessened and we were inundated with visitors from morning ‘til night. Breastfeeding, on the other hand, wasn’t happening. I kept trying and trying, but the baby wouldn’t latch on and I SWORE that there was absolutely nothing coming out of my breasts. It turned out, later, that I was right. Because of the C-section, my brain hadn’t yet received the message that I’d had a baby and needed to produce milk! With help from a lactation nurse, we supplemented with formula and continued to practice breastfeeding. A day or two after we got home, my milk came in, and things got much better. But I shed a lot of tears those first few days, thinking that I couldn’t feed my baby AND that he didn’t even know who I was. When the visitors would leave, I’d sink into a sort of depression about the whole thing. It was really, really hard.
In the end, though, everything worked out. And I left the hospital with the most handsome baby boy in the entire universe, my little Nikos! And though my recovery was painful, and motherhood was a huge adjustment for me, it was worth every second.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Labor Update
So, I've learned something today. Contractions hurt! And the ones I'm having right now aren't that bad. So this promises to be a very interesting (= painful!) night!
We checked into our room at around noon today, and the induction began at around 1:00. As part of a (horribly painful) internal exam, the nurse inserted a Cytotec tablet to help me dilate and get some stronger contractions started. When she checked me again at 5:00, I had gone from barely 1 centimeter to almost 3, and my contractions were regular and becoming painful. I had been having contractions that I didn't even notice, but now I DEFINITELY notice them! At any rate, she inserted another tablet of Cytotec, and she thinks it will be my last dose. When I'm checked again at 9:00, they will probably start me on Pitocin. I'm nervous about it, but still relieved that the end is finally in sight. I plan on getting an epidural when I am no longer able to manage the pain on my own, so we'll see when that is.
For now, we're just hanging out... Gus has been paying some bills, and we're watching a lot of TV. The baby is still really active, and the nurse keeps having to come in here to adjust the fetal heart monitor that's strapped to my belly, because he keeps moving around! I've been hooked up to an IV ever since we got here, and I have to say that I am not a fan. And the internal exams are the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life (so far)! I'm not allowed to eat any real food, but my nurse got me a tray of acceptable items (broth, jello, tea, etc.). I could totally go for some Taco Bell, but that will have to wait. :P
We checked into our room at around noon today, and the induction began at around 1:00. As part of a (horribly painful) internal exam, the nurse inserted a Cytotec tablet to help me dilate and get some stronger contractions started. When she checked me again at 5:00, I had gone from barely 1 centimeter to almost 3, and my contractions were regular and becoming painful. I had been having contractions that I didn't even notice, but now I DEFINITELY notice them! At any rate, she inserted another tablet of Cytotec, and she thinks it will be my last dose. When I'm checked again at 9:00, they will probably start me on Pitocin. I'm nervous about it, but still relieved that the end is finally in sight. I plan on getting an epidural when I am no longer able to manage the pain on my own, so we'll see when that is.
For now, we're just hanging out... Gus has been paying some bills, and we're watching a lot of TV. The baby is still really active, and the nurse keeps having to come in here to adjust the fetal heart monitor that's strapped to my belly, because he keeps moving around! I've been hooked up to an IV ever since we got here, and I have to say that I am not a fan. And the internal exams are the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life (so far)! I'm not allowed to eat any real food, but my nurse got me a tray of acceptable items (broth, jello, tea, etc.). I could totally go for some Taco Bell, but that will have to wait. :P
I'm in the Hospital!!!!!!
Yup, it's true! I am in a labor and delivery room, I've got my IV hooked up, and I'm just waiting for the on-call obstetrician to come in and check me out-- then we'll start induction!!! Finally! Long story short, the on-call OB called me this morning, and I explained the whole situation to her. She was awesome-- she said she wanted to get me induced, and that she'd call me back with a time (most likely tonight or tomorrow). Well... she called back and told me to come in NOW! I told Gus to get his butt home, took a quick shower, grabbed a few last minute things, and then we were off. So-- here we are! He should be here either today or tomorrow... FINALLY!!! :) :)
The Runaround
I don't know what to do.
My obstetrician isn't responding to my messages, and I'm eight days overdue. He told me time and time again that he would not let me remain pregnant past 42 weeks. He also said he was going to schedule an induction for me at my 41 week appointment, which was supposed to be yesterday. But he's not checking his emails, apparently, and I can't find anyone who will just CALL him already (he doesn't give out his personal phone numbers to patients-- we're supposed to reach him through his office, which is closed). I keep dealing with people who work at a call center, and who have no idea what's going on. And I am about ready to scream!!!
The most irritating thing is that I keep getting the runaround. Like yesterday, when the hospital finally had me come in for a non-stress test (after begging and pleading my case with a labor and delivery nurse). When it was all said and done, they told me that my OB has to be the one to schedule induction-- regardless of the results, which were (luckily) just fine. How come another OB can't do it?? I get that I'm not someone else's patient, but this would seem like a special circumstance. After all, I know that my OB would have already scheduled me for induction, if only he were around. I have no idea where he is.
So here is my plan... I will try getting another message to him today, and hope that the clinic reopens tomorrow (not likely). If it DOES reopen, I am going to go there myself and at least talk with the receptionists there (who I'm sure would CALL him without even thinking twice-- they are awesome ladies). If it doesn't reopen tomorrow, and I haven't heard back from my doctor, then I will be raising hell on the telephone until I can get someone to call him. And if that doesn't work, I'm going to call another OB's office directly and explain what's happening. And if THAT doesn't work, I don't know... I'll probably just sit here and cry, I suppose. Because this sucks, and it seems like nobody is willing to help me.
Could somebody just make me go into labor already????
***UPDATE (9:20AM): I called the main Ob/Gyn phone number again, connecting me to the same call center, but I think I finally spoke with someone who understands. She is going to have the hospital's on-call OB call me. The OB happens to be a woman, so I'm hoping that she'll understand. I started crying on the phone, though-- I honestly couldn't help it-- this whole thing has me so frustrated, and this particular woman seemed so nice/empathetic. I really hope that this other OB calls me back soon.
My obstetrician isn't responding to my messages, and I'm eight days overdue. He told me time and time again that he would not let me remain pregnant past 42 weeks. He also said he was going to schedule an induction for me at my 41 week appointment, which was supposed to be yesterday. But he's not checking his emails, apparently, and I can't find anyone who will just CALL him already (he doesn't give out his personal phone numbers to patients-- we're supposed to reach him through his office, which is closed). I keep dealing with people who work at a call center, and who have no idea what's going on. And I am about ready to scream!!!
The most irritating thing is that I keep getting the runaround. Like yesterday, when the hospital finally had me come in for a non-stress test (after begging and pleading my case with a labor and delivery nurse). When it was all said and done, they told me that my OB has to be the one to schedule induction-- regardless of the results, which were (luckily) just fine. How come another OB can't do it?? I get that I'm not someone else's patient, but this would seem like a special circumstance. After all, I know that my OB would have already scheduled me for induction, if only he were around. I have no idea where he is.
So here is my plan... I will try getting another message to him today, and hope that the clinic reopens tomorrow (not likely). If it DOES reopen, I am going to go there myself and at least talk with the receptionists there (who I'm sure would CALL him without even thinking twice-- they are awesome ladies). If it doesn't reopen tomorrow, and I haven't heard back from my doctor, then I will be raising hell on the telephone until I can get someone to call him. And if that doesn't work, I'm going to call another OB's office directly and explain what's happening. And if THAT doesn't work, I don't know... I'll probably just sit here and cry, I suppose. Because this sucks, and it seems like nobody is willing to help me.
Could somebody just make me go into labor already????
***UPDATE (9:20AM): I called the main Ob/Gyn phone number again, connecting me to the same call center, but I think I finally spoke with someone who understands. She is going to have the hospital's on-call OB call me. The OB happens to be a woman, so I'm hoping that she'll understand. I started crying on the phone, though-- I honestly couldn't help it-- this whole thing has me so frustrated, and this particular woman seemed so nice/empathetic. I really hope that this other OB calls me back soon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Spoke Too Soon!
Last night, not too long after I wrote the last post, I took a look out of one of our back windows and had to catch my breath-- not only could I see an orange glow just over the crest of a nearby hill, but I could occasionally see actual flames leaping into the air. I called Gus over, and we watched as the flames grew larger and eventually crossed over to our side of the hill. The hill was still a good distance away-- at the extreme north end of our neighborhood (we live at the south end), but that was enough for me. Despite the fact that we were never given a formal evacuation notice, I knew that there was no way I could possibly sleep in the house that night. So, we evacuated! We packed up the animals (an ordeal in and of itself!), called our friend, and made it to his house without incident. I can't say that we slept very well (we had to keep both animals in the room with us, since they have a dog), but at least we got SOME sleep. I know I wouldn't have gotten any at the house, so it was a good decision.
Anyway... the good news is that the house is still here, intact, and I am currently sitting in it! :) The fire burning on the hill must have either died out or changed direction completely, because there's no sign of it now. It looks like we are pretty much in the clear, so we'll be moving back in later today (the animals are still at Tony's house-- I just drove back here to check on things first). There were a lot more cars driving around in the neighborhood, too, so it looks like other people are coming back. What a scary night, though... That is definitely not an experience I hope to relive anytime soon...
Oh! So we got up at the crack of dawn this morning so that I could be at the hospital by 6:45 for my non-stress test. Nikos passed with flying colors-- his fluid levels are fantastic, and his heart responded exactly the way that they expected it to. Just as I thought, he is a happy little camper in there! They used an ultrasound machine to measure the fluid levels, and I got to sneak a peek of his cute little face-- something I haven't seen in about 5 months!! That was a bonus. Now, I just have to track down my doctor... I was given a hotline to call, since the medical office is still closed (it's in a mandatory evacuation area). I need to tell him about my non-stress test and have him schedule induction. I hope I can find him!
Anyway... the good news is that the house is still here, intact, and I am currently sitting in it! :) The fire burning on the hill must have either died out or changed direction completely, because there's no sign of it now. It looks like we are pretty much in the clear, so we'll be moving back in later today (the animals are still at Tony's house-- I just drove back here to check on things first). There were a lot more cars driving around in the neighborhood, too, so it looks like other people are coming back. What a scary night, though... That is definitely not an experience I hope to relive anytime soon...
Oh! So we got up at the crack of dawn this morning so that I could be at the hospital by 6:45 for my non-stress test. Nikos passed with flying colors-- his fluid levels are fantastic, and his heart responded exactly the way that they expected it to. Just as I thought, he is a happy little camper in there! They used an ultrasound machine to measure the fluid levels, and I got to sneak a peek of his cute little face-- something I haven't seen in about 5 months!! That was a bonus. Now, I just have to track down my doctor... I was given a hotline to call, since the medical office is still closed (it's in a mandatory evacuation area). I need to tell him about my non-stress test and have him schedule induction. I hope I can find him!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Okay for Now...
Well, we're still here! We've been keeping a close eye on the news/internet all day long, and by some miracle we still haven't been ordered to evacuate. I keep getting calls from people on my cell phone who assume we've evacuated, but nope! Pretty much the entire area has been evacuated to the north of us, extending all the way to the coast. And a good-sized area has been evacuated to the southwest of us, including Kori's house. But somehow, our little neighborhood has become an island in the stream. The scary thing, now, is that it's dark. Which means we need to attempt to sleep, if that's even possible. The cars are still fully loaded and ready to go, but the thought of being woken up by one of those reverse-911 calls or (worse!) an emergency worker pounding on the door is not something I look forward to. I just hope we can make it safely through the night!
I finally got my doctor situation figured out, though, which is good. After talking to a whole bunch of people who didn't quite understand what the big deal was (this baby has to come OUT, and SOON), I finally got in touch with a really nice woman who "got it," and bent over backwards trying to find me answers. I'm actually going to go to the hospital tomorrow, where they'll conduct a non-stress test to check on the baby. If necessary, they'll schedule me for an induction. It's not quite what I'd hoped (my doctor was DEFINITELY going to schedule induction tomorrow), but at least they're going to check on him and make sure everything's okay. My regular doctor's office is closed until further notice, and it sounds like my doc was one of the people who had to evacuate... I hope his house is okay...
I finally got my doctor situation figured out, though, which is good. After talking to a whole bunch of people who didn't quite understand what the big deal was (this baby has to come OUT, and SOON), I finally got in touch with a really nice woman who "got it," and bent over backwards trying to find me answers. I'm actually going to go to the hospital tomorrow, where they'll conduct a non-stress test to check on the baby. If necessary, they'll schedule me for an induction. It's not quite what I'd hoped (my doctor was DEFINITELY going to schedule induction tomorrow), but at least they're going to check on him and make sure everything's okay. My regular doctor's office is closed until further notice, and it sounds like my doc was one of the people who had to evacuate... I hope his house is okay...
It looks like we might be evacuating soon... The cars are totally packed and ready to go (except for the animals and this laptop), and the mandatory evacuation area has grown to include the major thoroughfare that leads into our neighborhood. If we go, we'll be staying with our friend Tony and his family, south of here. My boss just called a while ago, and she said that our school nurse definitely lost her home this morning, and that four other teachers quite possibly lost theirs as well. My doctor's office is completely shut down (I don't think it burned, which is a miracle-- it was right in the path), and I've just spent the last half hour calling every number I have to figure out what's going on. I had an appointment scheduled for tomorrow, at which point my doctor was supposed to schedule my induction, but I don't think that's going to happen. At this point, I am waiting for the on-call Ob/Gyn to call me from the hospital to figure out my situation. This kid can't stay inside forever, and I definitely need to be checked on! This whole thing is such a mess... :(
P.S. They closed the freeway again... so instead of being 45 minutes away, my parents are now several HOURS away... I hope this baby stays inside for at least one more day!!!!
P.S. They closed the freeway again... so instead of being 45 minutes away, my parents are now several HOURS away... I hope this baby stays inside for at least one more day!!!!
Fire Update
So, things are getting worse, but it appears as though we might escape unscathed... The fire has moved through the northern part of our town and into the neighboring one (see picture!), even jumping over the freeway, but it seems to be headed due west (thanks to the winds). We can actually see blue skies above us right now, and the air isn't as smoky as it's been, but that could all change at a moment's notice. Lots of people we know (including most of my coworkers!) have been ordered to evacuate, and we're just waiting to see what happens... Gus stayed home from work, and we spent the morning gathering up all the stuff we'd save: valuables, photo albums, important documents, clothes for us and the baby, basic pet supplies, etc. It's really overwhelming-- I've lost it more than a few times now. I also went around with our video camera and recorded everything in our house, just in case (something we should have done a long time ago, but oh well...). Our next-door neighbor is actually out on her roof spraying water on top of her palm trees... Please keep your fingers crossed that we don't actually have to evacuate. :(
One good piece of news... the freeway has been reopened (they just announced this on the news)! The closure had me REALLY upset, because I had wanted to evacuate to my parents' house, and the freeway was the only way. So at least we have that option now!
Wildfires + Wind = BAD
So, it's 5am, and I haven't slept for hours because the wind is howling so loudly outside. My curiosity finally got the better of me, and I had to come online to see how hard it was actually blowing. And guess what?? There have been wind gusts over 60 miles an hour, and constant wind speeds of over 30 miles an hour. No wonder it sounds like our patio awning is going to rip off and go flying through the air (the possibility of which is another thing keeping me awake). There have been points all night long where the candles on the shelf in our bedroom have started rattling.I have seriously never experienced wind like this before!!
I'm also having trouble sleeping because of a wildfire that's burning not too far from where we are... I noticed the smoke yesterday afternoon, but it seemed far off. I didn't *really* take notice until about 4pm, when the sky got all dark, the sunlight turned a dark orange color, and we started smelling smoke/seeing ashes come in through the open windows. Gus ran around the house and closed everything up, which was good, because when I went out to the garage later on to get clothing from the dryer, I couldn't believe how smoky (smelling) it was! Now I'm looking outside, and it *looks* like it's foggy-- but I know it's not, because it's way too hot and there is too much wind. The sun isn't supposed to rise for another hour and a half, but it'll be interesting to see what the world looks like when it does!
Anyway... I'm feeling really paranoid about this whole situation, because it reminds me too much of October, 2003. We had driven up to the Bay Area on the weekend of the 25th (for Alayna's wedding, actually!). When we got back home, I remember telling Gus that it was like driving into Mordor. The fire was everywhere, and the sky was as dark as night. School was canceled for days (just like it is today!), and I pretty much stayed in our apartment as much as possible until the smoke cleared. When I did go outside, the smoke choked me and stung my eyes. People were walking around wearing face masks. Of course, our apartment was fine (though our porch was covered with ash that took months to finally clean completely). But here's what really has me worried... The fires did reach our town that year (coming from the same direction as the current fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds that weren't as strong), and this entire neighborhood had to evacuate. As in, the neighborhood where we now live. About 15 houses were destroyed, though they were mostly in the northern half of the area, and they were mostly located on the outer edges, adjacent to the open space. Still, just the thought of having to evacuate (while 9+ months pregnant, with a cat and a parrot) is horrible. I really, really hope they get this fire under control soon...
P.S. There is some sort of emergency vehicle with flashing lights doing rounds in the neighborhood... I wonder what that's all about??
5:46 AM: Great, the town has declared a local emergency and neighborhoods are being asked to evacuate. Not ours, though-- at least not yet... :( :(
I'm also having trouble sleeping because of a wildfire that's burning not too far from where we are... I noticed the smoke yesterday afternoon, but it seemed far off. I didn't *really* take notice until about 4pm, when the sky got all dark, the sunlight turned a dark orange color, and we started smelling smoke/seeing ashes come in through the open windows. Gus ran around the house and closed everything up, which was good, because when I went out to the garage later on to get clothing from the dryer, I couldn't believe how smoky (smelling) it was! Now I'm looking outside, and it *looks* like it's foggy-- but I know it's not, because it's way too hot and there is too much wind. The sun isn't supposed to rise for another hour and a half, but it'll be interesting to see what the world looks like when it does!
Anyway... I'm feeling really paranoid about this whole situation, because it reminds me too much of October, 2003. We had driven up to the Bay Area on the weekend of the 25th (for Alayna's wedding, actually!). When we got back home, I remember telling Gus that it was like driving into Mordor. The fire was everywhere, and the sky was as dark as night. School was canceled for days (just like it is today!), and I pretty much stayed in our apartment as much as possible until the smoke cleared. When I did go outside, the smoke choked me and stung my eyes. People were walking around wearing face masks. Of course, our apartment was fine (though our porch was covered with ash that took months to finally clean completely). But here's what really has me worried... The fires did reach our town that year (coming from the same direction as the current fire, fueled by Santa Ana winds that weren't as strong), and this entire neighborhood had to evacuate. As in, the neighborhood where we now live. About 15 houses were destroyed, though they were mostly in the northern half of the area, and they were mostly located on the outer edges, adjacent to the open space. Still, just the thought of having to evacuate (while 9+ months pregnant, with a cat and a parrot) is horrible. I really, really hope they get this fire under control soon...
P.S. There is some sort of emergency vehicle with flashing lights doing rounds in the neighborhood... I wonder what that's all about??
5:46 AM: Great, the town has declared a local emergency and neighborhoods are being asked to evacuate. Not ours, though-- at least not yet... :( :(
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A Whole Lotta Nothin'
And so the wait continues, as we enter day 5 of Baby Watch 2007! I still haven't felt the slightest twinge of a contraction, though I know that they could start at any moment without warning. Like... NOW! Or... NOW! Okay, maybe not. But I bet it'll be soon. I'm hoping so, anyway! (Gus says I need to go into labor tonight so he doesn't have to go to work tomorrow... but he doesn't want me to start any sooner because he wants to enjoy his "last weekend of freedom." haha!!)
Anyway... it's been a very dull weekend, mostly because I am having a very difficult time pulling Gus away from the PlayStation and his silly golf game (Tiger Woods PGA Tour something-or-other). He is convinced that this will be his last opportunity to play for a long time. So his plan all weekend has been to sleep in, stay in his PJ's all day, and play (fake) golf. So exciting! Now it sounds like he's taking a break and watching some old Hitchcock movie on TV. He did, however, mow the lawn and pull some weeds yesterday, so he hasn't been entirely unproductive! :P
As for me, I feel like I am just watching the time tick by... slowly. I have read three books in the past week, and am about to start a fourth. Nothing baby-related, just some fiction that I haven't had time for since school started up again. I baked sugar cookies yesterday and pancakes this morning, and today I will finish my little pregnancy scrapbook. Soon I can start on a baby book instead (hooray!!). That is something I am totally looking forward to! Until then... Heeeeere, baby baby baby!
Anyway... it's been a very dull weekend, mostly because I am having a very difficult time pulling Gus away from the PlayStation and his silly golf game (Tiger Woods PGA Tour something-or-other). He is convinced that this will be his last opportunity to play for a long time. So his plan all weekend has been to sleep in, stay in his PJ's all day, and play (fake) golf. So exciting! Now it sounds like he's taking a break and watching some old Hitchcock movie on TV. He did, however, mow the lawn and pull some weeds yesterday, so he hasn't been entirely unproductive! :P
As for me, I feel like I am just watching the time tick by... slowly. I have read three books in the past week, and am about to start a fourth. Nothing baby-related, just some fiction that I haven't had time for since school started up again. I baked sugar cookies yesterday and pancakes this morning, and today I will finish my little pregnancy scrapbook. Soon I can start on a baby book instead (hooray!!). That is something I am totally looking forward to! Until then... Heeeeere, baby baby baby!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Waiting for the Sun
After a streak of a few nights where I actually got some good, quality sleep, last night was a return to misery. Sigh!! I just couldn't get comfortable. And even when I did get comfortable, it would only stay that way for a few minutes before I needed to move again. It got to the point where I'd get up to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, pet the cat, do anything to avoid sleeping. When I was in bed, I would just stare at the clock and wish the sun would hurry up and rise already, because sleeping clearly wasn't working for me. Which of course caused me to get the chorus of "Waiting for the Sun" (by The Doors) stuck in my head. sigh.... Last night sucked.
Anyway... I wish I wasn't so exhausted, because today is such a gorgeous day! We have all the windows open, and a warm breeze is blowing through the house. There isn't a cloud in the sky! It's not hot, though-- just the perfect temperature! If I wasn't pregnant and had the energy, I would make Gus go rollerblading with me down by the beach. But I'm thinking that's not such a great idea at this point! :P Instead, I think I will bake sugar cookies. The house is clean, everything is packed and ready to go, and all I want to do is bake... Who wants to come over and help me eat them??
Anyway... I wish I wasn't so exhausted, because today is such a gorgeous day! We have all the windows open, and a warm breeze is blowing through the house. There isn't a cloud in the sky! It's not hot, though-- just the perfect temperature! If I wasn't pregnant and had the energy, I would make Gus go rollerblading with me down by the beach. But I'm thinking that's not such a great idea at this point! :P Instead, I think I will bake sugar cookies. The house is clean, everything is packed and ready to go, and all I want to do is bake... Who wants to come over and help me eat them??
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Letter...
Dear Baby Nikos,
I know you are having a great time hanging out inside my belly, but it's time to come out and meet everyone! I'm sure it's quite cozy inside, and you are clearly entertained by punching my bladder and squeezing my intestines, but the whole situation is starting to make me very uncomfortable. I'm sure it's not intentional, but you need to vacate the premises-- and soon!
Your little fetus friend, Owen, came two weeks before his due date. You are already two and a half weeks older than he was when he entered the world, and he did just fine! I am worried that if you dilly-dally too much longer, you may grow so big that you won't be able to fit through the exit. That would not be good for any of us (especially your poor daddy, who would suffer my wrath). For the record, the exit is down by your head-- not through my belly button. I can tell you've been a little confused about that, since you try to karate-kick your way out through my abdomen on a daily basis. I hate to break it to you, but your escape efforts via that route are in vain! Let gravity help you out on this one. Remember: the exit is DOWN.
I've enjoyed having you with me for these past 40+ weeks, and I've done my best to give you a happy little womb-home. However, I really think it's time for you to move on to bigger and better things. There are so many people out here who want to meet you, and waiting for you to make your grand entrance has become absolute torture. So please... come out, come out, wherever you are!
Your Mom
P.S. You have presents waiting for you, and they're not going to open themselves!
I know you are having a great time hanging out inside my belly, but it's time to come out and meet everyone! I'm sure it's quite cozy inside, and you are clearly entertained by punching my bladder and squeezing my intestines, but the whole situation is starting to make me very uncomfortable. I'm sure it's not intentional, but you need to vacate the premises-- and soon!
Your little fetus friend, Owen, came two weeks before his due date. You are already two and a half weeks older than he was when he entered the world, and he did just fine! I am worried that if you dilly-dally too much longer, you may grow so big that you won't be able to fit through the exit. That would not be good for any of us (especially your poor daddy, who would suffer my wrath). For the record, the exit is down by your head-- not through my belly button. I can tell you've been a little confused about that, since you try to karate-kick your way out through my abdomen on a daily basis. I hate to break it to you, but your escape efforts via that route are in vain! Let gravity help you out on this one. Remember: the exit is DOWN.
I've enjoyed having you with me for these past 40+ weeks, and I've done my best to give you a happy little womb-home. However, I really think it's time for you to move on to bigger and better things. There are so many people out here who want to meet you, and waiting for you to make your grand entrance has become absolute torture. So please... come out, come out, wherever you are!
Your Mom
P.S. You have presents waiting for you, and they're not going to open themselves!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I was thinking this morning about being induced next week, and what that would mean to me... I think that the two most dominant emotions that I feel are disappointment and relief. I really hope that things don't get to the point where I need to be induced, but it's nice to know that there is a definite end in sight. I mean, he HAS to be here by the end of next week, so I definitely won't be pregnant for more than a week now. And that is a good thing! Anyway, I decided to make a little list of the pros/cons of being induced...
The Pros: 1. His birthday could fall on the anniversary of our first date (October 25th), which would be cool! 2. He would be a Scorpio (like my mom, Gus' dad, my grandma, my aunt, etc.) instead of a Libra, 3. I would know ahead of time when to go to the hospital and therefore be totally prepared
The Cons: 1. Super-strong contractions, 2. Higher chance of having a c-section, 3. Having to wait that much longer! 4. Not getting to experience the whole natural labor process on my own
Anyhow... I convinced my mom and dad to come down and keep me company today, and the three of us went to the zoo. We walked around for a few hours, which was a serious accomplishment for me (there are a LOT of hills at the zoo-- it was a total workout!). Still no contractions, although I was feeling a little crampy earlier. I also just got off the phone with Maria (Gus' sister), and she thinks that he's going to be born this Saturday. So, let's go with that! I'll take another long walk tomorrow, and maybe we can get things moving. Saturday sounds good! :)
The Pros: 1. His birthday could fall on the anniversary of our first date (October 25th), which would be cool! 2. He would be a Scorpio (like my mom, Gus' dad, my grandma, my aunt, etc.) instead of a Libra, 3. I would know ahead of time when to go to the hospital and therefore be totally prepared
The Cons: 1. Super-strong contractions, 2. Higher chance of having a c-section, 3. Having to wait that much longer! 4. Not getting to experience the whole natural labor process on my own
Anyhow... I convinced my mom and dad to come down and keep me company today, and the three of us went to the zoo. We walked around for a few hours, which was a serious accomplishment for me (there are a LOT of hills at the zoo-- it was a total workout!). Still no contractions, although I was feeling a little crampy earlier. I also just got off the phone with Maria (Gus' sister), and she thinks that he's going to be born this Saturday. So, let's go with that! I'll take another long walk tomorrow, and maybe we can get things moving. Saturday sounds good! :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
40 Week Appointment
Well, I went to see my doctor this morning, and he says that... drumroll please... I have made ZERO progress since last week! I remain 75% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated. It's depressing!! The good news is that our little guy still has a strong and steady heartbeat, and he is clearly a happy camper in my womb. Still... All the waiting is making me crazy!
Before I left the office, I scheduled a 41-week appointment for next Tuesday. If I still haven't popped by then, the doctor will schedule an induction. I'd really rather not be induced, but it's also not safe to go too far past the due date (the placenta starts to deteriorate and not function as well). So I'm REALLY hoping that things start naturally sometime between now and then!
I've also been thinking about the whole due date thing. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was 99.9% positive that my due date was October 22nd, based on a whole bunch of factors. We had been trying for a while, so I'd been charting temperatures, etc. I was pretty sure about things. Well, the doctor based my due date on the date of my last period, which is how he came up with the 16th. Subsequent ultrasounds confirmed that the baby was growing appropriately for its gestational age-- based on that due date (the 16th). BUT... what if I was right all along, and that his REAL due date is the 22nd? What if he's just been "measuring ahead" all along, and is destined to be a big baby?? Who knows? It really bothered me when the doctor said I was due on the 16th, and I clung to my original thought (the 22nd) for a long time before finally giving in. To me, a due date of the 22nd makes much more sense. But we'll see... I just can't wait to meet him, whenever he decides to make his grand entrance!!
P.S. Gus says that the baby is just waiting for nicer weather... It's been raining here all morning! :P
P.P.S. Check out this picture I found... I LOVE it!
Before I left the office, I scheduled a 41-week appointment for next Tuesday. If I still haven't popped by then, the doctor will schedule an induction. I'd really rather not be induced, but it's also not safe to go too far past the due date (the placenta starts to deteriorate and not function as well). So I'm REALLY hoping that things start naturally sometime between now and then!
I've also been thinking about the whole due date thing. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was 99.9% positive that my due date was October 22nd, based on a whole bunch of factors. We had been trying for a while, so I'd been charting temperatures, etc. I was pretty sure about things. Well, the doctor based my due date on the date of my last period, which is how he came up with the 16th. Subsequent ultrasounds confirmed that the baby was growing appropriately for its gestational age-- based on that due date (the 16th). BUT... what if I was right all along, and that his REAL due date is the 22nd? What if he's just been "measuring ahead" all along, and is destined to be a big baby?? Who knows? It really bothered me when the doctor said I was due on the 16th, and I clung to my original thought (the 22nd) for a long time before finally giving in. To me, a due date of the 22nd makes much more sense. But we'll see... I just can't wait to meet him, whenever he decides to make his grand entrance!!
P.S. Gus says that the baby is just waiting for nicer weather... It's been raining here all morning! :P
P.P.S. Check out this picture I found... I LOVE it!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Fully Cooked
Happy due date to me, Happy due date to meeee, Happy due date to-- Oh, forget it! It turns out that this whole "due date" concept is exactly as my doctor explained it so many months ago: A mere approximation of when the baby might be born. And it doesn't look like it's going to happen today. But 40 weeks is still a big deal! This kiddo is officially fully cooked. And to commemorate the occasion... A photo with my head in it!
(Charlie kept trying to trip me as I attempted to take pictures, so I decided to let him be in the picture, too. He is such a momma's boy!)
Anyway... Still nothing! I am feeling more positive today than I was yesterday, though. I went to the mall and walked the entire thing (all three levels- and it's big!). I was starting to feel some crampiness and pressure, but they went away (darn!). Then I went to the supermarket, and now I am in the process of making Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins. I feel so... domestic! :)
(Charlie kept trying to trip me as I attempted to take pictures, so I decided to let him be in the picture, too. He is such a momma's boy!)
Anyway... Still nothing! I am feeling more positive today than I was yesterday, though. I went to the mall and walked the entire thing (all three levels- and it's big!). I was starting to feel some crampiness and pressure, but they went away (darn!). Then I went to the supermarket, and now I am in the process of making Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins. I feel so... domestic! :)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Still Nothing!
Today has been a day of endless frustration and clock-watching. AAAAAACK!!!!
I got a bunch of phone calls and emails from people asking if he was here yet, or if I was having any contractions. Nope! One of my student's moms emailed to say that she is going to take me out for ice cream if he's still not here on Wednesday afternoon. I thought that was really nice of her (I've now taught all three of her kids, so it isn't that strange). I also got a call from my doctor's office, because they wanted to move my Wednesday appointment to an hour earlier. The girl who called is the same one who always checks me in, and she was like, "So I guess you still haven't delivered, huh?" Nope! No baby for me!
I did go out shopping earlier, though, and the woman in front of me in line asked me when I was due. It was really fun to say "Tomorrow!" and watch the reaction on her face! It was like she was afraid I was going to explode right there on the spot. I got a kick out of that. If I go out shopping tomorrow, I really hope someone asks me the same question. :P
And so Baby Watch 2007 continues...
I got a bunch of phone calls and emails from people asking if he was here yet, or if I was having any contractions. Nope! One of my student's moms emailed to say that she is going to take me out for ice cream if he's still not here on Wednesday afternoon. I thought that was really nice of her (I've now taught all three of her kids, so it isn't that strange). I also got a call from my doctor's office, because they wanted to move my Wednesday appointment to an hour earlier. The girl who called is the same one who always checks me in, and she was like, "So I guess you still haven't delivered, huh?" Nope! No baby for me!
I did go out shopping earlier, though, and the woman in front of me in line asked me when I was due. It was really fun to say "Tomorrow!" and watch the reaction on her face! It was like she was afraid I was going to explode right there on the spot. I got a kick out of that. If I go out shopping tomorrow, I really hope someone asks me the same question. :P
And so Baby Watch 2007 continues...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Being Proactive...
I think Nikos must have read my blog entry from yesterday, because he was a very good baby last night and didn't try to smoosh any of my internal organs. Hooray! That, combined with my fatigue from the previous night, meant that I only got up one (1) time to go to the bathroom. Hallelujah! Really, it was some sort of miracle. And it's made all the difference in the world, because I am so much happier today! :)
Over the past few days, Gus and I have started being proactive in terms of getting labor going. We've tried the most obvious method, to no avail. This morning, we took a long walk around a local lake, but so far nothing has come of it (though the exercise was good). Actually, the walk was kind of fun! The Miramar Air Show is this weekend, and we had a great view of the air station from one end of the lake. A lot of people were actually sitting there with lawn chairs and picnic baskets, watching the planes fly overhead. A few of them came really close to us, too, which was cool! When we finally got home, I continued my exercise by vaccuuming the entire house. We had spicy chili for dinner last night, and are going to have (spicy) Mexican food tonight. I even bought (and drank) some Raspberry Leaf Tea, which some people believe triggers labor. Still-- nothing! I know he's going to get here whenever he is good and ready, but the thought of possibly remaining pregnant for another week or two really depresses me. And since my mom had me two weeks after my due date, I am seeing this as a very real possibility. :(
Anyway, there is some progress to note, although this definitely qualifies as "too much information" for you squeamish-types. I am pretty sure I lost my mucus plug last night. ("What's that???") That, in and of itself, really doesn't mean much, seeing as I already knew I was dilating/effacing. BUT... If I take after my mom, this baby will definitely be here by the end of the week. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
P.S. We put my suitcase in the car this morning! EEEK!!!!
Over the past few days, Gus and I have started being proactive in terms of getting labor going. We've tried the most obvious method, to no avail. This morning, we took a long walk around a local lake, but so far nothing has come of it (though the exercise was good). Actually, the walk was kind of fun! The Miramar Air Show is this weekend, and we had a great view of the air station from one end of the lake. A lot of people were actually sitting there with lawn chairs and picnic baskets, watching the planes fly overhead. A few of them came really close to us, too, which was cool! When we finally got home, I continued my exercise by vaccuuming the entire house. We had spicy chili for dinner last night, and are going to have (spicy) Mexican food tonight. I even bought (and drank) some Raspberry Leaf Tea, which some people believe triggers labor. Still-- nothing! I know he's going to get here whenever he is good and ready, but the thought of possibly remaining pregnant for another week or two really depresses me. And since my mom had me two weeks after my due date, I am seeing this as a very real possibility. :(
Anyway, there is some progress to note, although this definitely qualifies as "too much information" for you squeamish-types. I am pretty sure I lost my mucus plug last night. ("What's that???") That, in and of itself, really doesn't mean much, seeing as I already knew I was dilating/effacing. BUT... If I take after my mom, this baby will definitely be here by the end of the week. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
P.S. We put my suitcase in the car this morning! EEEK!!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sleepless in San Diego
Last night was *the worst* night of "sleep" that I've ever had, and I am officially in a foul mood today. It seems unfair, really, that the sleep deprivation would begin before the baby actually arrives, but that's what has happened! My coworkers told me that this was God's way of preparing mothers-to-be for all the sleepless nights ahead, but I think that's a load of crap. I think it's just torture!!
After dinner last night, I was incredibly uncomfortable. I felt crampy and kept getting these stabbing/pinching pains in my pelvic area. Were they contractions??? I still don't know! At any rate, they weren't regular or even "timeable," and they stopped at around 11pm. I was miserable all night long, though... My heartburn was flaring up... My hips/pelvis continue to become more and more sore with every day that goes by... I had to get up practically every hour to go to the bathroom, but hardly a drop would come out. To summarize: it really sucked. The highlight was when the growling noises coming from my stomach and intestines actually woke Gus up. Fun!
Anyway... My theory is that the baby moved down a little bit more yesterday, and he ended up squashing a bunch of my intestines as well as my bladder. Whenever I'd roll over, he'd move slightly and things were (momentarily) allowed to proceed as usual in my digestive tract. It was baby-versus-intestines all night long! I feel a lot better now (he seems to have shifted around a bit), but boy, am I tired! I hope he gives me a break tonight, because I'd really like to get a good night's sleep at least ONCE before he gets here! At the same time, I do hope he gets here soon... Physically, I don't know how much more I can take of this misery!
After dinner last night, I was incredibly uncomfortable. I felt crampy and kept getting these stabbing/pinching pains in my pelvic area. Were they contractions??? I still don't know! At any rate, they weren't regular or even "timeable," and they stopped at around 11pm. I was miserable all night long, though... My heartburn was flaring up... My hips/pelvis continue to become more and more sore with every day that goes by... I had to get up practically every hour to go to the bathroom, but hardly a drop would come out. To summarize: it really sucked. The highlight was when the growling noises coming from my stomach and intestines actually woke Gus up. Fun!
Anyway... My theory is that the baby moved down a little bit more yesterday, and he ended up squashing a bunch of my intestines as well as my bladder. Whenever I'd roll over, he'd move slightly and things were (momentarily) allowed to proceed as usual in my digestive tract. It was baby-versus-intestines all night long! I feel a lot better now (he seems to have shifted around a bit), but boy, am I tired! I hope he gives me a break tonight, because I'd really like to get a good night's sleep at least ONCE before he gets here! At the same time, I do hope he gets here soon... Physically, I don't know how much more I can take of this misery!
Friday, October 12, 2007
No More Pencils, No More Books
No more teacher's dirty looks! (haha, that's me!) I am officially done with school until January 7th! It was a great day, too, with lots of hugs and little presents and just general niceness. Now I just need a baby so I can get started with this whole parenting thing. You hear that, Nikos? Time to get out! I am officially filing an eviction notice! :)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Misc. Thoughts
- I went to the supermarket after work today to pick up a few things, including a gallon of milk (since I am a raging milkaholic). As always, I looked to make sure I found the one with the latest expiration date, but this time they were all the same: October 22nd. Then it occurred to me: I will most likely have this baby before the gallon of milk goes bad! And milk doesn't last very long. It was a strange moment.
- I also had a horribly vivid nightmare last night (well, early this morning, I suppose). In my dream, I found out that I had some advanced form of untreatable stomach cancer. The doctor told me that I would most likely die during childbirth, and that I'd never get to hold my baby. Yeah, it really sucked (understatement of the century!). I started bawling in my dream, and woke myself up sobbing uncontrollably. It took me at least 10 minutes to pull myself back together after realizing it was just a dream. And this all happened at 5:30AM, so my last half hour of potential sleep was destroyed. What a crummy way to start the day, huh??
- Last but not least, tomorrow is my last day of work! I can't even believe it! Fridays are always great, anyway, but I've decided to treat myself to another chai latte from Starbucks on my way to school, and then one of my coworkers has arranged to go pick up lunch for a bunch of us to celebrate my last school lunch before baby. It's pretty hard to go out to eat when you only have a 40 minute lunch break with a firm beginning and ending time, so "outside food" is always a treat! At any rate, tomorrow should be a great day (and I bet there will be presents, too! hehe!).
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Now What?
This is the weirdest feeling. For the past few days, I have had an unusual abundance of free time, and I just don't know what to do with myself!! Even though I'm still working (only 2 more days, woohoo!), I feel like I have finally tied up all the loose ends and am left with nothing to do! Sadly, I have grown accustomed to bringing my work home with me on a fairly regular basis (papers to grade, etc.), but I don't want to do that now in case I am unable to bring it back!
Up until this point, it seemed like time was speeding by. I almost wanted things to slow down a bit, because I was so busy with so many things to do! Now that the end is in sight, it seems farther away than ever. Does that make sense?? Today, my boss said, "Hey, by this time next week, you could be a MOM!! Have you thought about that?" Well, of course I've thought about it, but I guess it really hasn't hit me yet. I mean, that is a gigantic, momentous, life-altering event, and all I can think about is "gee, I really have to pee!" :P It really hasn't sunk in-- and I doubt it will until I finally get to meet this little guy I've been carrying around for nine months! I can only imagine how Gus must be feeling right now. I mean, if it hasn't totally hit ME (the pregnant one!), then I would bet it has hit him even less. So the next few weeks promise to be very interesting ones!
Until he decides to arrive, though, I am left twiddling my thumbs and playing the waiting game. I think I'll put my energy into making more food for after he gets here. And maybe I can talk Gus into getting a movie from Blockbuster. After all, you can only reorganize a closet so many times before it becomes pointless!
Up until this point, it seemed like time was speeding by. I almost wanted things to slow down a bit, because I was so busy with so many things to do! Now that the end is in sight, it seems farther away than ever. Does that make sense?? Today, my boss said, "Hey, by this time next week, you could be a MOM!! Have you thought about that?" Well, of course I've thought about it, but I guess it really hasn't hit me yet. I mean, that is a gigantic, momentous, life-altering event, and all I can think about is "gee, I really have to pee!" :P It really hasn't sunk in-- and I doubt it will until I finally get to meet this little guy I've been carrying around for nine months! I can only imagine how Gus must be feeling right now. I mean, if it hasn't totally hit ME (the pregnant one!), then I would bet it has hit him even less. So the next few weeks promise to be very interesting ones!
Until he decides to arrive, though, I am left twiddling my thumbs and playing the waiting game. I think I'll put my energy into making more food for after he gets here. And maybe I can talk Gus into getting a movie from Blockbuster. After all, you can only reorganize a closet so many times before it becomes pointless!
Monday, October 8, 2007
I am so happy right now!!!!!!!! Gus and I got back a little while ago from my 39-week appointment, and things have really changed since last week! First, the little guy has actually dropped somewhat (though it's totally not visible from the outside-- my belly still looks really high). He has also flipped sideways, so he's no longer in the "sunny-side up" position. He's still not in the optimal position, but this is a move in the right direction! My cervix (sorry if this is TMI) is 75% effaced, and I am officially 1 centimeter dilated. Hooray!
Before the internal exam, I had asked the doctor about his policy on inducing labor. Basically, I wanted to know how long he'd make mesuffer wait before trying to smoke the kid out. He told me that he wouldn't let me go beyond 42 weeks, but they wouldn't induce until I was at LEAST a week past my due date. Great!!! HOWEVER (and here is the crazy part)-- he is predicting that I will go into labor within the next week. He's saying there's a 70% chance that I won't be seeing him at my appointment next Wednesday. I can't even believe it!!! I just hope I can make it through work this week- there are still so many loose ends I need to tie up. EEEEEK!!!!!! :)
Before the internal exam, I had asked the doctor about his policy on inducing labor. Basically, I wanted to know how long he'd make me
Sunday, October 7, 2007
T-minus-9 days and counting (assuming this kid gets here on time, which isn't looking likely). Still, hooray!! :)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Packed and Ready
I started packing my hospital bag weeks ago (around 34 weeks) but, as of today, I am officially set to go at a moment's notice! I also decided to attempt to pack the diaper bag, though I won't need it for a while. What else can I do now to kill time?? I am reading both Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Dr. Marc Weissbluth and The Baby Book, by Dr. William Sears... I made (and froze) enough chicken tacos to survive a nuclear holocaust... The whole house is clean... I have no work to do because I am no longer bringing things home (in case I am unable to bring them back!)... Help!!! I am even all caught up on my thank you notes, which is some sort of miracle. I feel compelled to do something baby-related, but (other than reading the books) what?? Ideas, anyone??? Or should I just play Guitar Hero 2 and stop my whining? :P
On a totally different note, I came to a realization this morning. Throughout my pregnancy, I have been avoiding herbal teas because I read somewhere that they could somehow cause contractions/premature labor. I don't know if it is true or not, but it scared me enough to avoid drinking tea. Well, I was out running errands this morning, and I had a hankering for a chai latte (my favorite!) from Starbucks. And then it hit me-- who cares if I have contractions or go into labor at this point???? I can totally have herbal teas again! Anyway, I got my chai latte and was a very happy camper. The end! :)
On a totally different note, I came to a realization this morning. Throughout my pregnancy, I have been avoiding herbal teas because I read somewhere that they could somehow cause contractions/premature labor. I don't know if it is true or not, but it scared me enough to avoid drinking tea. Well, I was out running errands this morning, and I had a hankering for a chai latte (my favorite!) from Starbucks. And then it hit me-- who cares if I have contractions or go into labor at this point???? I can totally have herbal teas again! Anyway, I got my chai latte and was a very happy camper. The end! :)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Slower and Slower She Goes...
ughhhhhhh... That's really the only way to describe how I feel when I have to walk around anywhere lately! I took a "personal day" today to put my feet up and relax, but I did venture out to get a few things at Walmart at around 2:00. I got a decent parking spot but, as I started walking toward the door, I began to have doubts that I could actually make it all the way! I was so tired and sore and couldn't muster much more than a shuffling waddle. Once I got inside and had a shopping cart to lean on, things were a little better. Still, I am moving so slowly these days! I only needed to get five things, but it took me almost an hour to get everything. Granted, I did run into a former student's mother and we talked for a bit, but I was still really slow!
Anyway... I am so ready for this kid to get here! I totally buy into Alayna's comment in my last post... This has to be nature's way of getting me ready for childbirth, because I'm at a point where I'd do just about anything to get him out! A few weeks ago, I was scared about having to actually give birth. My attitude has totally changed now: Pain?? I'll deal with it. The real question is: How on Earth am I going to make it through work next week? It's been getting harder and harder for me and, even though the end is in sight (October 12th!), it seems like the last part of the climb is the steepest... sigh... Wish me luck!
Random Update: I got a letter about a month ago telling me that my insurance wouldn't cover the amnio we had back in May-- and I was really ticked off about it! I filed an appeal, though, and found out today that they overturned the denial! Hooray!
Anyway... I am so ready for this kid to get here! I totally buy into Alayna's comment in my last post... This has to be nature's way of getting me ready for childbirth, because I'm at a point where I'd do just about anything to get him out! A few weeks ago, I was scared about having to actually give birth. My attitude has totally changed now: Pain?? I'll deal with it. The real question is: How on Earth am I going to make it through work next week? It's been getting harder and harder for me and, even though the end is in sight (October 12th!), it seems like the last part of the climb is the steepest... sigh... Wish me luck!
Random Update: I got a letter about a month ago telling me that my insurance wouldn't cover the amnio we had back in May-- and I was really ticked off about it! I filed an appeal, though, and found out today that they overturned the denial! Hooray!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I have officially decided that I am done with this whole being-pregnant thing. (Did you hear me up there???) I realized today that I have finally started doing the pregnancy waddle. Even if I try to walk "normally," I can't! My center of gravity is totally off, and my pelvis is starting to open up to accomodate a baby (causing a LOT of hip pain, by the way)... Combined, the two make it darned near impossible to walk without wobbling from side to side. I have also recently discovered the slight incline in the hallway that leads to the office at my school. I never thought twice about it before, but now I almost feel like I need to build up momentum in order to make it up the "hill." And I get winded so easily! I have newfound empathy for our former computer lady, who had to switch to another school because the incline was aggravating her hip condition. I remember thinking to myself, "the school is basically flat... what's the deal?" Well, now I get it! And it sucks!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Internal Exam... yay...
First of all, internal exams HURT! But aside from the discomfort, today's appointment was a good one. First, the disappointing news: I am not dilated at all, and he is still all the way up in my belly (she actually said "this kid is up in your tonsils!"). I really haven't dropped at all, no matter how much I thought I had! Booo!!! But then there was the good news: I am about 25% effaced, which means my cervix is beginning to thin out. Hooray for progress! His heartbeat remains strong and steady, my blood pressure is still low, and it appears that he will most likely be an average-sized baby (between 6.5 and 7.5 lbs., my nurse practitioner is guessing). I should be happy with all of this, but it's hard when I'm starting to get so uncomfortable! My last day of work is scheduled to be next Friday (the 12th). Why so late? Because if I can make it to that day, then I will have just enough sick days to last me through Winter Break. Which means I will get paid 100% of my salary the entire time I am on maternity leave! So really, I should be happy that I'm not dilated or anything, because it means I will probably make it to the 12th. At the same time, I am feeling soooooooo done with work, it's not even funny!
My students can obviously see the end in sight, too, which is cute... A bunch of them brought me baby presents today, which was so sweet! One of my former coworkers sent me a present, too, which was in my mailbox at recess time. Oh, and we started a pool at work today, betting on when the baby will arrive. I put my money on the 17th at 5:04pm (only because it's the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake), but we'll see!
Two other really good things happened today, though they had nothing to do with the baby... For one, I got a letter from my school district officially telling me that I'm tenured! WOOHOO!!!! I knew that I was, but it was nice to get something in writing. Then, when I got home this afternoon, my CLEAR Teaching Credential arrived in the mail! I have held a Preliminary credential since 2003, and it was due to expire on January 1st of 2008. You can't renew a Preliminary credential-- you have to "upgrade" to the CLEAR one by taking a few extra classes (in my case, just two). I procrastinated on it, though, and was starting to get really stressed. I was worried that the college (where I completed my credential program) wouldn't accept the two classes I took (through another college's online extension program). I thought I would need to drive over two hours to go to the college in person and get things taken care of, since that's how things used to work. But thank God for the internet! They do everything online now, and it ended up being really simple. Hallelujah! So now I'm all set until 2012. One less thing to worry about when I'm on my maternity leave. HOORAY!!!
P.S. I almost forgot! I tested negative for Group B Strep... So I won't need IV antibiotics during labor! Woohoo!
My students can obviously see the end in sight, too, which is cute... A bunch of them brought me baby presents today, which was so sweet! One of my former coworkers sent me a present, too, which was in my mailbox at recess time. Oh, and we started a pool at work today, betting on when the baby will arrive. I put my money on the 17th at 5:04pm (only because it's the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake), but we'll see!
Two other really good things happened today, though they had nothing to do with the baby... For one, I got a letter from my school district officially telling me that I'm tenured! WOOHOO!!!! I knew that I was, but it was nice to get something in writing. Then, when I got home this afternoon, my CLEAR Teaching Credential arrived in the mail! I have held a Preliminary credential since 2003, and it was due to expire on January 1st of 2008. You can't renew a Preliminary credential-- you have to "upgrade" to the CLEAR one by taking a few extra classes (in my case, just two). I procrastinated on it, though, and was starting to get really stressed. I was worried that the college (where I completed my credential program) wouldn't accept the two classes I took (through another college's online extension program). I thought I would need to drive over two hours to go to the college in person and get things taken care of, since that's how things used to work. But thank God for the internet! They do everything online now, and it ended up being really simple. Hallelujah! So now I'm all set until 2012. One less thing to worry about when I'm on my maternity leave. HOORAY!!!
P.S. I almost forgot! I tested negative for Group B Strep... So I won't need IV antibiotics during labor! Woohoo!
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